
Life Cycle of Plants
By Kyrah and Jett

There are three kinds of plants:  annuals, perennials, and biennials.

life cycle lasts one year

Examples: corn, wheat, rice, lettuce, peas, watermelon, beans, marigolds, and zinnias.
(We planted some zinnias---keep reading to check it out.)

lives for three years or sometimes longer

Examples: ferns, orchids, grasses, shrubs, dahlia, maple trees, pine trees, apple trees

Goes through two growing seasons during its life cycle. First, it does what is called vegetating. That just means it grows leaves. After that it lies dormant. Dormant means it is resting or sleeping. During the second season it grows flowers, sets seed, and then dies.

Examples: cabbage, carrots, celery, parsley

During a plant's life it grows, flowers, and then it sets seed. Most plants begin from a seed. What do seeds need to grow? Read on and you will find out!
By Kyrah
When you grow a seed first you have to bury the seed in the soil and be sure to give it plenty of space to grow. Then you give the plant some water. Third, when you do all the things you had to do the root will grow. While the root is growing the whole flower will grow. Then you have to make sure that your plant is well fed. You have to do the same thing everyday until the plant is ready to be picked. When it is ready you pick it and then the plant will die and you can start the life cycle over.

By Kyrah
First you put the seed in the soil. After the seed is in the soil the roots start to grow out of the seed. The roots suck the water that falls from the rain above. Then the stem & leaves start to grow & you might not see them because when they start out they are really little. Then there are little flowers growing on the trees and they are called buds. Finally whatever kind of plant or flower or tree will be it on it & after they’re on there you can pick it & enjoy whatever it is. 

By Jett
By Jett

We decided to grow some plants of our own.
Here's what we did:

Our friend, Mrs. Brown, let us use some of her potting soil.
Here we are with the seeds we are about to plant. We are hoping to grow some zinnias.
We put the seeds into the soil and put a little on top to bury them.
Time to add some water.
Giving my seed some water will help it grow!

We're all smiles!

Now we're ready to watch them grow!

We found some places where they would be able to get plenty of sunshine. We have learned they cannot grow without it!
It only took about 7 days before we saw a little something coming up out of the soil.
We were really excited when we saw our flowers were growing!
It has only been a little over a week and look how tall my flower has already grown!
After about two weeks my flower has a really long stem and is really growing well.
Check it out! I can't wait until it actually grows a pretty flower.
Look how tall it has grown!
I decided to measure it to see how tall it is.
It is measuring a little bit over three inches tall!
I can't wait until it grows a pretty flower like these!