The Life Cycle of a Frog
By Brantley

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Artwork by Bailee Stephens
Frogs are amphibians. The word amphibian means two lives. Amphibians change form as they grow. They will look like their parents when they become adults.

Frogs lay their eggs in wet places.

Frogs eggs are big and slippery so other fish can’t eat them. When they hatch from their eggs after about 21 days they have special body parts that help them to live in the water. Later when they become frogs those parts will disappear.

It becomes a tadpole. Tadpoles have to try and stay out of danger. Sometimes other animals want to eat them. Sometimes the pond where they are living can dry up.

After about 5 weeks the tadpole begins to change and starts to grow hind legs.

Over time the tadpole becomes even more frog like.

After about eleven weeks it becomes an adult frog. It can breathe with its lungs. Now the cycle begins again.

It is hard to say for sure how long frogs live, but sometimes they can live in captivity (like in a zoo) between 4 and 15 years!

Artwork by Brantley

Here's How it Works:

A frog lays eggs in a wet place.
When the egg hatches it becomes a tadpole.
The tadpole begins to grow and it begins to get hind legs.
Now it is a frog!